Educational research over time has shown that the vast majority of vulnerable children do not make the same academic progress as their peers. For this reason some children aged 3 and 4 attending Nursery are eligible for Early Years Pupil Premium or if your child has a disability or special educational need the Disability Access Fund. This is a small amount of additional funding from the government to provide additional teaching resources while your child is at nursery.
If you think your child may be eligible please speak to a member of staff at the nursery.
How we use EYPP and disability access funding
The ethos behind this additional funding is equality for all children. At Randolph Beresford Nursery we use this funding to provide forest school sessions for children, this included the wet weather clothing and boots needed to spend time in our forest school space. We also provide music sessions and sensory resources to enhance the learning of children with additional needs. Any remaining funding goes towards cooking resources and fruit/snacks for the children in nursery.
We also provide breakfast on arrival for all children in the nursery and a healthy snack for those attending in the afternoons.
If you would like more information about Nursery funding, the curriculum or Forest school please speak to your key person.